The Organization

The Organization

We are working towards integration !
Action main d'oeuvre inc. provides specialized employment assistance services to people with autism or intellectual disabilities, as well as job retention services.

Who are we ? Services Team


Finding a job is not always easy ...
but Action main d’œuvre inc. is here to help! When you receive services from Action main d’œuvre inc., you will meet with an advisor who can help you with your job search and when you are on the job. With this advisor, you will develop an action plan according to your own needs and it will be adapted to your personal abilities. This plan takes place at your own pace and each action helps developing your autonomy in your employment process, knowing that you have the potential to actively participate in the choices and solutions offered.

Admission procedures Preparation and job seeking Job inclusion, maintenance and follow-up


By hiring a participant in Action main-d’œuvre inc., you will meet someone who is motivated to work. You will discover someone who, despite his/her particular characteristics, will develop his/her productivity like any other employee. You will also find that this person will demonstrate a great commitment to your business and the work he/she will have to accomplish.

Why hire a person with Intellectual limitation or on an Autism Spectrum? Types of post to offer Services you may receive...


Inclusion and job retention are the objectives of Action main-d'oeuvre inc. However, we are aware that employment is part of a global picture of life that includes several other goals for the people we work with.

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