Who we are ?

Our mission

Action main d'oeuvre inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support the socio-economic integration of people who are disadvantaged in terms of employment.

The Organization provides specialized employment assistance services to people with autism or intellectual disabilities.

The management of one-off projects and mandates related to its mission is also part of the Organization's activities.

Intervention policy

The intervention approach advocated by Action main-d'œuvre inc. is based on the following principles:

Assuring respect for the person, his/her disabilities, abilities, beliefs, choices, culture, religion, language and physical integrity

Adapting our interventions according to the person’s needs

Acknowledging the person's potential, directing interventions to help them fully use their skills as well as developing, maintaining and updating them

Establishing a relationship of trust between the person and his/her advisor for relevant and effective interventions

Assuring the integrity and objectivity of the stakeholders of the organization

Developing autonomy through the recognition of the person's strengths

Encouraging people to participate in decision-making concerning their goals

Protecting the person’s confidential information

Our history, in three stages …

From 1975 to 1985

Action main-d'oeuvre (AMO) originated in an initiative developed in 1975 by the Centres Marronniers. Since 1970, a form of intervention has been developed with a focus on the social integration of people with intellectual disabilities. With this in mind, the Centres Marronniers have initiated a project to help their clientele find employment: the Projet-Extension Les Marronniers, with funding from the Department of Employment and Immigration of Canada (ministère de l’Emploi et de l’Immigration). Initially, this approach allowed a small team of five people to carry out some thirty annual labor market integrations.

The project, developed over 10 years, responds to growing needs. In 1983, it gained autonomy by dissociating itself from the Centres Marronniers and obtained, in 1985, the non-profit organization status, under the denomination Action main-d'oeuvre M.T.L. Inc. - now commonly known as Action main-d’œuvre inc.

From 1985 to 1998

From then until 1998, the services consolidated and were funded under the Services externes de main-d’œuvre (SEMO) program, under the Ministèrede la Sécurité du revenu du Québec. The organization was then called upon to work with the Centres Travail-Québec (today the Local Employment Centers - CLE) and to prioritize the inclusion of people receiving social assistance among its target clientele. Concerning the associative life, an adhesion was made to the Association des services externes de main-d’œuvre(ASEMO).

1998 to present

Like many other organizations, AMO was caught in the middle of Quebec's repatriation of programs from the Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) and their integration with the Quebec Labor Force Development Corporation (SQDM) and Income Security, which resulted in the creation of Emploi-Québec in 1998.

In order to meet the needs of many residents of the West Island, a service point was set up in 2001 in this part of the territory, with the collaboration of various partners, including the CLE. Today, almost 15 years later, we are located in Dorval.

Therefore, in response to a pressing request and following a sustained experimentation aimed at developing a service model specifically dedicated to people with an invasive disorder-PDD, conducted in collaboration with various partners, including the well-known Autisme et troubles envahissants du développement de Montréal (ATEDM), À l'emploi! is officially integrated into Emploi-Québec's service offer in 2005. In 10 years, new expertise has developed and is growing, even beyond the borders of Quebec

Finally, since 2004, following a decision largely supported by the specificities of our clienteles and the universality of services, regardless of the source of income, our organization is a member of the Regroupement des organismes spécialisés pour l'emploi des personnes handicapées (ROSEPH).

2015: 40 years of accomplishments

40 years and thousands of job integrations later, this is a privileged opportunity to compile a balance sheet but also to renew ourselves to better project ourselves into the future. Our team, now made up of 18 people with various talents, is doing it every day …!

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